Galileo Mirror
8,440 ₾
An object in constant balance, Galileo is a type of pendulum, ready to oscillate to reflect the world in its many facets.
Wall mirror composed of a 60x5mm calendered steel plate structure, welded to a rear ring on which are screwed aluminum plates to secure the mirror on the wall. Mirror, 4mm thick, coupled with an HPL panel, and screwed to the ring. Stainless steel cable, passing through the circumference of the mirror, with the steel wall mirror support and endstop element, fixed to its end.
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
ბრენდი |
Living Divani |
დიზაინერი |
Mario Ferrarini |
ფერი |
ოქროსფერი |
ზომები |
158 x 90 |
კატეგორია: Living Divani, აქსესუარები, სარკეები