World-renowned French chef Joël Robuchon has devoted his culinary art to bringing people health and happiness. Originally from Poitiers, Robuchon was awarded Meilleur Ouvrier de France in 1976, Chef of the Year in 1987, and Chef of the Century in 1990. Today Robuchon holds the most Michelin stars of any chef in the world . In 2014 he opened Atelier de Joël Robuchon in Bangkok, New York, and Mumbai, along with a gastronomic restaurant in Bordeaux.
Dr. Nadia Volf, MD, PhD, is a professor, a neuropharmacologist, and an acupuncturist with thirty-five years of experience. She is founder and co-director of the Scientific Acupuncture Department at the Medical University of Paris, France. Currently she continues her research and practice in Paris, both in the university hospital and in her clinic. A member of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA), Dr. Volf has given lectures at Harvard Medical School, George Washington University, and the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago. Dr. Volf is the author of several books, translated into twelve languages, as well as a great number of articles published in scientific journals. The aim of her whole life and practice is to combine modern science with traditional wisdom to bring people knowledge of health and longevity.
After finishing school, Harald Gottschalk became assistant to the renowned Robert Doisneau and began fulfilling his childhood dream to become a photographer. Gottschalk has had more than 60 solo and collective exhibitions in France and abroad. Parallel to his personal work, Gottschalk collaborates on many prestigious projects and publications with international brands.
- 200 pages
- 100 illustrations
- English language
- Released in October 2014