ბრენდი |
Magis |
დიზაინერი |
Javier Mariscal |
ფერი |
თეთრი |
ზომები |
56 x 91 x 61 |
Sold out56 x 91 x 61
El Baul Container
1,770 ₾
The Magis El Baul container is an interesting looking storage box that will makes sure all those toys are kept in place.Designed by Javier Mariscal in 2005, this trunk is made from rotational moulded polyethylene which is easily wiped clean.
Ideal for children’s bedrooms or playrooms, it can be filled with toys, games, puzzles, clothes, shoes. Dimpled like a golf ball, it has a wonderfully tactile quality
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
კატეგორია: Magis, აქსესუარები, საბავშვო