Bicos Verde – Set with 4 Red Wine Goblets Mint Green
250 ₾
Wine goblets set mint green Vista Alegre Bicos 210 ml 4 pcs.
The first known reference to these glasses known as “biquinhos” (spikes) is from a catalogue of the Nova Fábrica de Vidros Marinha Grande (New Marinha Grande Glass Factory) – Ivima, 1901. This type of glass, set in the universe of diamond-tip manufacturing, was produced in the nineteenth century, through manual cutting techniques.
Later the set began to be produced by the press method, which lasts until today. It’s curious to know that in the first quarter of the twentieth century it was considered old-fashioned and today it is so fashionable.
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
ბრენდი |
Vista Alegre |
ფერი |
Green |
კატეგორია: Vista Alegre, აქსესუარები, სამზარეულოს ნივთები, ჭურჭელი