ბრენდი |
Louis Poulsen |
დიზაინერი |
Julie Richoz |
ფერი |
თეთრი |
ზომები |
Ø 39.3 x H 80.8 cm |
Sold outØ 39.3 x H 80.8 cm
LP Cite
6,110 ₾
The Louis Poulsen LP Cité is a large luminaire (height 80 cm) designed for installation at important heights (from 3 m and higher), for large spaces such as halls, lobby and auditoriums. The 51 W LED light source offers comfortable and energy-efficient light directed downwards. The structure distributes the light internally in the pendulum and creates a beautiful interplay of light and shadow play, whereby the 8 curved surfaces are gradually and harmoniously highlighted. Because the LED light source supports stepless dimming, the luminaire can also be used in reception rooms. The design looks like a skyline of a big city and the white color ensures a strong presence.
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
კატეგორია: Louis Poulsen, განათება, დასაკიდი